Makerbase MKS Robin Nano V3 Eagle 32Bit 168Mhz F407 Control Board

En existencia
Precio regular $33.30

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Makerbase MKS Robin Nano V3 Eagle 32Bit 168Mhz F407 Control Board 3D Printer parts TFT screen USB print

Robin Nano V3.1 is an upgraded version of Robin Nano V3.0, change the MCU from the STM32F407VGT6 toSTM32F407VET6. What is more, Robin Nano V3.1 improves the anti-interference performance, such as addingSchottky diodes to the temperature measurement circuit and MOs circuit, and adding TVS protection to the powerinput.
The hardware design is openned source on .

The same as the Robin Nano V2.0, firmware of MKS Robin Nano V3.1 is also based on Marlin 2.X. Actually, wedirectly use the same respository: https./ Justmodify the type of motherboard to compile the related firmware.
Now you can either use the TF card or usB disk, you can configure on the Configuation_adv.h:Use TF card:// #defne USB FLASH_DRIVE SUPPORT
Use UsB disk.
We are making effort to make TF card and UsB disk work together, and will update the firmware soon.