CHC Pro Volcano Hotend

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Trianglelab 115W High Power CHC Pro kit ceramic heating core quick heating for Ender 3, Volcano Hotend CR10 mk3s blv

The ceramic heating core is named CHC series. It will be used as the core to make a variety of hotend assemblies. Currently available for purchase are V6 specifications, HEMERA specifications, CR10 specifications.


Volcano Hotend, CR10 Hotend, Hemera Hotend, Matrix Extruder, Tatan AERO, DDB-Volcano Hotend.

Cylindrical ceramic heaters can be optimized and symmetrically heated materials
The thermistor is directly installed in the BLOCK to obtain a more realistic temperature reading when the material comes out of the hot end

Lightweight design, suitable for fast printing

Supports temperatures up to 300℃

Ceramic heating ring with built-in copper plated heating ring. The ceramic can
be heated evenly Realizes 360° ring heating.

*Built-in 104NT-4-R025H42G Thermal
  • Marlin Firmware Configuration

* 5:100K thermistor - ATC Semitec 104GT-2/104NT-4-R025H42G(Used in ParCan & J-Head) (4.7k pullup)
#define TEMP_SENSOR_0 5

  • Repetier

ATC Semitec 10GT-2

  • Klipper

sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104NT-4-R025H42G

What's in the box:
CHC(Ceramic Heating Core) Pro No Nozzle 24V

CHC(Ceramic Heating Core) Pro Volcano Hotend 24V
*(The heatbreak is all-metal Heatbreak)
(0.4mm volcano nozzle)

CHC(Ceramic Heating Core) Pro Hemera Hotend 24V
*(The heatbreak is stainless steel Heatbreak)
(0.4mm volcano nozzle)

CHC(Ceramic Heating Core) Pro CR-10 Hotend 24V
*(The heatbreak is titanium alloy Heatbreak)
(0.4mm volcano nozzle)

CHC(Ceramic Heating Core) Pro Nozzle 24V
(0.4mm volcano nozzle)


The ceramic heating core is officially named CHC series.
It will be used as the core to make a variety of HOTEND assemblies.
Currently available for purchase are V6 specifications, HEMERA specifications, CR10 specifications.
New models will be added after March. That is the ultimate perfect CHC HOTEND. Stay tuned.
Ceramic heating core calendar represents:
1: The first generation of products (2015~2017)
2: Second-generation products (2019~2021)
3: The third generation of new products (2022)


BLV CHC(Ceramic Heating Core) Pro KIT


Volcano Hotend
CR10 Hotend
Hemera Htend
Matrix Extruder
Tatan AERO
DDB-Volcano Hotend KIT

*Built-in 104GT/PT1000 /K500 Thermistor


Supports temperatures up to 350℃

ID09L16 ceramic heater power test

Room temperature: 24℃
Controller Board MKS BASE V1.4
Resistance at room temperature 5±1Ω 24V 115W MAX
Controller Boardpowervoltage24V DC
Firmware marlin2.0
No Firmwareheater power limiting 
Read the temperature from the LCD
Record the power consumption on the Lab PSU while passing certain temperatures


Voltage on
heater leas V
Heater leads
current A
Power W
24 23.6 4.48 105.7
100 23.6 2.68 63.2
150 23.6 2.28 53.8
200 23.6 2.15 50.7
250 23.8 2.03 50.0
280 23.8 1.98 46.4

Please note that the temperatures in the table are thermistor embedded in the melting zone not the actual temperatures of the heating element especially at low temperatures.The power in the table above has been deducted from the consumption of the controller board and LCD 1.03W.


Cylindrical ceramic heaters can be optimized and symmetrically heated materials
The thermistor is directly installed in the BLOCK to obtain a more realistic temperature reading
when the material comes out of the hot end
Lightweight design, suitable for fast printing
Small compression size
Compatible with any V5/V6/CR10/HEMERA/MATRIX radiator, up to 350℃ degrees Celsius


▉Product Display:


FAQ of CHC Pro Volcano Hotend

The CHC is used to upgrade the heating block that replaces the hotend on the print head.Since CHC is smaller than the conventional heating cartridge type heating block so most ofthe printers hotend are compatible. There are three common heater block heights on themarket 10MM (MK8/10) 11.5-12MM (E3DV6) and 20MM (E3D Volcano). If the first two, andalso the heat-breaker and nozzle threads are M6 can be replaced, it should be noted that ifthe original heating block you have is 10MM height, after upgrading the CHC (11.5mm) youneed to replace the nozzle with an E3DV6 compatible one with a thread length of 7.5mminstead of a 5MM nozzle. The 20mm height volcano style heating block can be upgraded withthe CHC pro version, Note that replacing and installing the heating block on the originalprinter may require operations such as rewiring or splicing wires, which may cause your printerto lose its warranty or permanent damage. If you do not have some experience is notrecommended to buy. You can start by upgrading a complete set of compatible hotend.

CHC and CHC PRO are installed by default with 104nt-4-r025h42g thermistor, which is thesame as the default configuration of hotend shipped from E3D. Select 5 in the marlin firmware.If your printer is a budget printer from China, hotend is usually equipped with a thermistor ofNTC100K B3950. If you replace the it with CHC's default thermistor then you may need to findthe source code of your printer's firmware to make changes and re-burn it to your controllerboard, which may cause permanent damage to your printer or loss of warranty. If you can'tor don't want to do that, then the NTC100K B3950 version would be a good choice. If youare not sure what type of thermistor was originally installed in your printer, consult themanufacturer or seller of the printer.

The PT1000 is also becoming more and more popular nowadays due to its sensitivity andlinearity performance as well as the fact that it can be used stably at higher temperatures andcan be used without the need for a trouble-prone amplifier board that must be connectedlike the PT100. However, the traditional control board thermistor interface is generallyequipped with a 4.7K pull-up resistor will make the resolution low, we recommend using anewer control board with a 2.2K pull-up resistor, or replacing the pull-up resistor on thecontrol board (there are risks, please be careful). There is also a K-type thermocouple versionavailable, but it is not recommended to convert your hotend to K-type thermocouple unlessyour original printer hotend is using the K-type thermocouple.

Usually CHC can directly replace the original heater block, but the pro version may causesome specific problems such as overload protection due to the high starting power. You canfirst try to limit the power output in the firmware or slightly adjust down the PSU outputvoltage, first troubleshooting before making further modifications and upgrades.Default thermistor Semitec 104nt-4-r025h42g Compatible with old model Semitec 104GT2
marlin 5
klipper ATC Semitec 104NT-4-R025H42G
duet3d Semitec 104GT2

NTC100K B3950
marlin 1
klipper Generic 3950
duet3d Typical Chinese bed heater thermistor

PT1000 Directly connected to controller board
marlin 1047
klipper PT1000
duet3d See reference links below for details

Reference links:

First thing you can try is to do a PID auto calibration
Please check whether the plug wires of CHC thermistor and heating element are reliablyconnected. Please note that the two connectors of CHC must not be bent or moved whenthe print head is moved, so they will quickly fail to appear unreliable connection or evenburned, etc. If there are many burrs in the temperature curve, it is possible that there is otherelectromagnetic interference near the print head or in the thermistor wire, please eliminatethe source of interference before testing. Increasing the frequency of PWM control can alsoimprove the stability of temperature control.

Please unplug the ceramic heating plug of CHC after turning off the power and measure theresistance between the two leads with a multimeter. If the resistance is open circuit at roomtemperature, it is likely that the ceramic heating element has been damaged, please contactcustomer service to ask about the warranty.

CHC maximum operating temperature is 300 degrees Celsius。The warranty will be lost ifused at temperatures exceeding 300 degrees.


CHC's ceramic heating elements and metal cores have different coefficients of thermalexpansion, and all shipped CHC products have been aged under a 300°C cycle to ensurelong-term stability below 300 degrees. However, if the temperature exceeds 300 degreesCelsius, there is a certain risk or cause the expansion of the metal core to the ceramic heatingelement to burst out and cause permanent damage. Damage caused by this is not coveredby the warranty. If you need to work at more than 300 degrees hotend please buy othertraditional heating blocks, such as brass or copper alloy heating blocks and high-poweredheating cartridge, etc.

CHC will undergo cycle aging and failure quality testing before shipment, if there are minorcracks and it passes the cycle aging test, it will not affect the service life and warranty.

For the same configuration (nozzle material filament slicer settings), the CHC is approximately5-8% higher than the V6 heating block in flow rate. the CHC pro is approximately 10-15%higher than the volcano heating block in flow rate.

When the ceramic heating element is used below 300 degrees Celsius for a long period oftime, the nominal life is greater than 10,000 hours.